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Welcome to my blog.... I know that Blogs are usually for married people-- but I am not married. So whatever- and as a loner- I am creating my own so that everyone can keep updated on my -oh-so-exciting life. ha. Enjoy. :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What do you get when you mix 1/2 a cup of Katie and 1/2 a cup of Blake??


(Hardy har har..snicker snicker)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


<-- I believe this is the beginning stage of me becoming the crazy fat cat lady.
I mean, it's pretty obvious that I like cats..... and you know what? It's inevitable that I someday am going to be THAT lady... the one with all the cats, that has tons of fur on my clothes, and I carry a backpack cat carrier all the time..
But I was thinking---- is that enough? I don't know if it is. There are lots of crazy ladies who like cats out there, and if I am going to be classified as a nut job-- I don't want to just blend in with the crowd. SO--- I decided to add one more element of "katie" to the load.
I am going to be the Crazy Fat Cat Hula Hoop Lady. I mean it's perfect! I like cats.. I like Hula Hoops. It works. I will not only have the cat thing-- but I will be the weird lady who is carrying around a hula hoop with her.... and eventually I will be so fat that I don't have to actually carry the hula hoop (because I will be to big to actually have them loop around me)--- but a bunch of them will just REST around the middle of my massive belly almost as an accessory piece. And I will always talk about new hula hoop tricks that I can do with my cats.... I love it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

QUESTION : Have you ever fallen asleep while sittin on the pot?
I personally have never experienced this , but I have heard stories and know some people that have. How is this possible?? I mean, how could you be taking a dump and then while your pants are around your ankles, you just fall asleep while your bare cheeks are dangling over a hole full of crap??? WTF mate!?!?! This seriously boggles my mind.
I literally don't think I could ever do this.... I would be too worried that
1. I might fall in
2. The smell of the dump would permeate over me and I would smell like shiz for the rest of the day
3. Someone would catch me in the act.
I don't know-- maybe it's just me-- but I think the whole idea is really really weird.
If anyone knows someone that this has happened to.. please let me know. I would like to know the details of how it came to pass.

UMMM.. I am a retard

Ok.... so let me explain the below post to you. So I thought it would be so hilarious to post just something random, and put it in white font so that no one would be able to read it unless you were smart and you could only read it if you scrolled over the letters....

WELLL.... I am a moron and forgot that my background is NOT white.. so .. umm.. yeah. You can totally read the post ---and my "clever little trick" ended up being completely pathetic and retarded. hahaha



CONGRATULATIONS! You are one of my smart viewers. :) Good job to you... and good thing you figured it out because you could have missed out on one of the most important posts I posted.

Even though technically this is not one of those... sorry. I just wanted to throw you through a loop!!! bwa hahaha

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So... most people know that all I do is work work work. And I think a lot of people don't even know what I do! haha.

Well.. here is a picture of where I work. I work in Sugarhouse in a beautiful office building.

What I do: I am the Customer Service Manager... and basically I talk to mean clients all day trying to make them happy, and I manage a team of girls. How fun. haha jk.. it's better than it sounds.... usually.

A lot of people haven't even heard of the whole virtual concept--- but in the business world, it's actual booming, and it's really neat. Basically we provide Big Business Images for Small Businesses. We lease virtual office space and sell receptonist services. What is a virtual office you ask?? Let me tell you!! haha... basically a lot of small businesses can't afford a big old executive suite, and don't even need it... SO we sell them our address to use and when they purchase it, they can go to the center when needed but they don't have an actual office space there. They can post our address as their own, and they also can send their mail to us and we will accept it on their behalf. We will give them a phone number, and when they call it, our receptionists will answer for their company.
So even though this client may work in their garage at their home office in Tennesee.... with the help of Davinci, they can have an office at the Empire State Building in New york, and have a professional receptionist answering their calls.

pretty cool eh?? yeah.. I think so!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

HALLOWEEN 2008 @ Davinci

This is me and my lesbian friend Veronica Battling it Out! Don't you think it seems that Unicorn is kicking the horse's trash?? :) This is me being a Pretty Gay UNICORN!!!
This was 80's day. I was going for the rocker chick look. I think I could totally be Madonna's backup singer! Heeeeck yeah!