QUESTION : Have you ever fallen asleep while sittin on the pot?
I personally have never experienced this , but I have heard stories and know some people that have. How is this possible?? I mean, how could you be taking a dump and then while your pants are around your ankles, you just fall asleep while your bare cheeks are dangling over a hole full of crap??? WTF mate!?!?! This seriously boggles my mind.
I literally don't think I could ever do this.... I would be too worried that
1. I might fall in
2. The smell of the dump would permeate over me and I would smell like shiz for the rest of the day
3. Someone would catch me in the act.
I don't know-- maybe it's just me-- but I think the whole idea is really really weird.
If anyone knows someone that this has happened to.. please let me know. I would like to know the details of how it came to pass.
Oh dearest Katie...you're so lady like. :)
Ask any random guy on the street, I bet they have. And talk about an unforgettable conversation starter!
you are hilarous... hahaha
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